Saturday, December 12, 2009

This is serios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't know why you haven't been comenting lately.
I go on your blog and coment so if you are on my blog just so I know you are on please leave a coment (ideas)(Spelling errors, leaving out words or saying it doesn't go well with the rest).


  1. I don't know about all this Taiya! I don't see you or your mother post on my blog either.....but I do read every post you make! I set your blog on my reader so that it lets me know when you do something new.
    Are you excited about Christmas and Christmas break? Did you have fun with Hallie today?

  2. Ya.

    But I don't know what your blog is called so I can't coment on it. But if I coud I would always be comenting.

    I havent been in contact with Halie for a while.

    Taiya smith.

  3. I thought you saw Hallie last Sturday? Oh my.
    Send me an email at and I will send you an invite to join my blog.
