Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!
Does any oe have a really good Sugar Cookei reciepe?!?!
How is your day going?
What as your favorite present?
Hope you have a great and awsome day!!!!

Love,Taiya smith


  1. Sorry, I don't make sugar cookies, just gingerbread.
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and got lots of goodies.
    I got a lot of things, my fav would be my new slippers! Purple!
    Hope you find your recipe!

  2. What? You don't like my recipe? Just kidding - its always good to explore the recipe world!

    My day is going slow. My favorite present was my new ring, my DDR and Wii Fit Plus!

    What was your favorite present Taiya?

  3. My favourite present was my family being very happy.
